As a service to our clients we keep abreast of your current policy, renewals, audits and experience rating modifications to make certain they are processed in a timely manner. We are authorized by the State Insurance Fund to issue certificates of insurance from our office. We will furnish a completed certificate within 48 hours of your request.
RenewalsWhen a renewal is received we send a notice reminding you to review the bill. Should you advise us of any changes, such as an increase or decrease in payroll, payment plans, entities or locations, we notify the State Insurance Fund immediately to have the policy adjusted accordingly.
AuditsWe review all audit bills to make certain that the manual rate discounts, experience rating modification, and the benefit level increase percentages are correct. Should the audit include additional charges, such as subcontractors, we advise you of these charges and assist you in having the necessary adjustments applied.
Experience RatingsWe conduct a complete review of each member's experience rating modification published by the New York Compensation Insurance Rating Board. Once the rate is received, we review the status of the claims, check the payrolls and rating values used, as well as the mathematical accuracy of the formula used to determine the validity of the modification. A detailed analysis is sent to each member outlining which losses were included in their rating and an explanation of why the modification changed from the previous year.