Advantages of a Safety Group
In Summary, the advantages of a State Insurance Fund Safety Group are as follows:
• Upfront Advantage Discount (to qualified members)
• Participation in a declared Group dividend
• Investment income on group moneys retained in the group contingent balance.
• Participation in the dividend program makes the members more safety conscious and willing to accept safety/loss prevention recommendations.
• Claims, underwriting and statistical services provided by the Group Manager.
In an independent consultant survey it was concluded that Safety Group members received on average, an additional savings of approximately 10% on their individual experience rating. Safety Groups have continued to insure with the State Insurance Fund because of their history of providing low cost coverage and superior service.
Safety Groups have excellent results because of the combined cooperation of the individual Members, the State Insurance Fund and the Group Manager.
This combination permits the mechanism of a Safety Group to operate in the most efficient manner.